Studies have shown that the fear of falling can lead to self-imposed limitations on activities, decreased social interactions, and even result in more falls. However, you do not have to be afraid! There are several activities that you can do to gain confidence and stay upright.
Activities to Help Prevent Falling
Strengthen your Legs.
Daily exercises can be performed to improve the strength of your legs. If you are currently unsteady on your feet, start with sitting exercises. As you gain strength, slowly start to add standing exercises, like standing up from a chair and sitting back down slowly.
The best exercises to ensure you will stay upright longer are exercises performed in standing. Stand at a counter and side step down the length of the counter and back while either letting your hands glide along or hover over the counter for support, depending on your balance. While at the counter, you can also try bending your knees and straightening back up or raising up on your toes and then lowering down to your heels. Taking a walk is another good activity to keep your legs in shape.
If you are unsteady on your feet, do not perform these activities alone. Enablr Therapy has skilled physical therapists that can set up a home exercise program based on your unique abilities and needs.
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Perform Daily Activities Standing.
As we age and tire more quickly, many people tend to prefer to do activities while sitting. However, this results in more weakness. If you can safely perform activities like washing dishes, folding clothes, brushing your hair or teeth while standing, it will help to not only improve your standing endurance, but also your balance.

Perform Daily Activities Standing.
As we age and tire more quickly, many people tend to prefer to do activities while sitting. However, this results in more weakness. If you can safely perform activities like washing dishes, folding clothes, brushing your hair or teeth while standing, it will help to not only improve your standing endurance, but also your balance.
Practice Balance.
Balance activities practiced daily are a great way to maintain and improve your steadiness. Balance activities include standing at a counter and balancing on one leg or standing on both feet with your eyes closed. Take note of which way, if any, you tend to lean or fall towards. Recenter yourself and try again. It may be helpful to focus your eyes on one point in front of you if you are unsteady.
If you have good balance, try standing still while looking up and down, left and right. Once you have mastered that with both feet, try lifting one foot. Further progressions include performing these activities while standing barefoot, then on a squishy surface, like a mat. These activities will help to maintain your balance.
Always ensure safety first. Please do not perform balancing activities alone. Enablr Therapy has a pool of talented physical therapists that can work with you to increase your balance reactions and mobility.
Walk In A HEEL/TOE Fashion.
Pick up your feet by lifting your knees when you walk. Ensure that your heel strikes the ground first and then push off from your toes. This walking pattern helps to reduce shuffling or dragging of your feet. As an exercise, exaggerate your steps, lifting your knees as if you are marching.
If Using An Assistive Device, Perform A Safety Check.
Although assistive devices like a walker or cane can be very helpful, they can also cause a trip hazard. Clear the area of throw rugs or secure area rugs in your home so they do not catch on the device. Move furniture to allow for easier maneuvering with the device. Ensure the device is the appropriate height, not allowing for your elbow to be extremely straight or bent, but rather a very slight bend (see photo).

Consider Home Modifications.
Making a few simple home modifications can give you security and confidence as you move around. Installing handrails on stairs or steps, grab bars in the bathroom, and improving lighting are a few simple adjustments that can make moving around easier. Enablr’s knowledgeable and skilled occupational and physical therapists can complete a home environment safety check and make individualized recommendations for modifications based on your needs.
Balance and strength can be managed, and even improved, which will help you overcome your fear of falling. Knowledge is power and practice makes perfect. Enablr Therapy is here to help you with both knowledge and practice. We provide in-person therapy services in the Nashville Metro area and live-video therapy sessions for clients throughout Tennessee and additional other states.