Rachel Morris, OTR/L, Director of Therapy
Gross motor skills are the building blocks that set the foundation for all development. These skills tend to be sequential, developing in a particular order that build on each other. This sequence of development is known as milestones.
What are Developmental Milestones?
As the child learns to control and refine their movements, they expand their ability to interact with the world around them. From learning to hold their head up to look around, to sitting and reaching for toys, to running through the park, the child builds the stability and agility in their larger core muscles that support them in their everyday activities.
Typically, children develop milestones around the same ages. Monitoring milestones can give insight into your child’s skill level and may help to identify any potential concerns. However, please note, each child is unique and may progress at a different rate or even skip a milestone all together.
If you have concerns about your child’s development, visit our therapy services page or contact us to determine if your child might benefit from therapy.
Typical Milestones by Age
3 Months
Holds head steady without support
Lifts head and chest while lying on stomach, supported through arms
Pushes down on legs when feet are on a firm surface
Opens and closes hand; holds and shakes an object
6 Months
Rolls over in both directions
Begin to sit without support
Bears body weight on legs when standing with support
Reaches for toy with one arm/hand
9 Months
Pulls into stand and stands while holding on
Gets into a sitting position
Maintains balance in sitting when moving arms/hands to reach a toy
12 Months
Cruises, walks while holding on to furniture
Starts to stand alone
Walks with support, may start to take a few steps without holding on
18 Months
Walks independently
Pulls toys when walking
Walks up and down steps with support, may place both feet on a step
2 Years
Walks up stairs, holding on rail
Throws and kicks a ball forward
3 Years
Walks up and down stairs without support, placing only one foot on each step
Jumps forward 24 inches
Climbs well on playground equipment
4 Years
Catches a 8”ball with arms bent at elbow and throws a ball underhand for 10 feet
Runs and stops smoothly without falling
Hops forward on one foot
5 Years
Stands on one foot with minimal sway for at least 10 seconds
Enablr Therapy providers are knowledgeable and gifted at working with kids of all ages and abilities. We provide in-person therapy services in the Nashville Metro area and live video therapy sessions for clients throughout the states of Tennessee. To learn more how Enablr Therapy works with kids, visit our therapy services page.
These milestones were developed with use of the references below and also based on the clinical knowledge.
American Academy of Pediatrics (n.d.) Ages and Stages. Retrieved from https://healthychildren.org/english/ages-stages/pages/default.aspx
Center for Disease Control (n.d.). Milestone Checklist. Retrieved from https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/pdf/checklists/Checklists-with-Tips_Reader_508.pdf
Peabody Motor Developmental Chart (2002). Published by Pro-Ed.