For individuals who work hard and try to stretch their dollars, the idea of cash-based therapy services can be a put-off. On the surface, paying for services out of pocket when insurance covers the services doesn’t seem to be a good investment. But looks can sometimes be deceiving. Take a second look, cash-based therapy services can make sense…and cents.
One-On-One Attention From Your Therapist.
In order to survive, most insurance-based therapy practices book multiple clients at the same time due to low reimbursement rates. In these cases, each client is prescribed a program of various exercises or activities to do during their session, many of which they do independently. Other therapists, therapy assistants, or rehab aides may check on the client throughout the session while the primary therapist is working with others. In many clinics, a client will only receive 10-15 minutes of actual time with their assigned therapist in an hour session. Cash-based services are different. The therapist focuses on their one client for the entire session, allowing for full attention and care. With no distractions, your treatments are tailored to fit your therapy needs.
You matter.
Individualized Care Plan.
Most insurance have limitations in the number of visits or deadlines for when services must be completed. Insurance also determines which types of interventions are approved and mandates that only one issue/condition can be addressed at a time. As a result, clinic-based therapists are restricted in how therapy is delivered, catering to the insurance instead of the client. With cash-based services, there are no restrictions. You and your therapist have control and together determine what is needed to meet your unique needs. Often, this can be done with fewer visits because of the individualized care.
Therapy without limits.
Freedom to Choose Your Provider.
Without insight into the pool of therapists who work for a therapy clinic or each therapist’s experience and training, clients are at the mercy of a scheduler to select a provider for them. With Enablr Therapy’s private pay services, you are given full visibility into our pool of therapists. You can view each therapist’s profile and select the provider with the speciality that best fits your needs.
The power of choice.
Cost Effective.
Although on the surface it seems that therapy services paid by insurance are cheaper, that is not always the case. Most insurance plans require a co-pay of $30-50 per visit or a coinsurance of 20-30% of the session cost. The cost per session in an insurance-based clinic is typically higher than session charges in cash-based practices. In addition, deductibles must be met before insurance pays a cent.
With self pay cash services, the costs are known upfront. In addition, many insurances allow clients to submit invoices (superbills) for potential out-of-network reimbursement according to their policy terms. See Enablr’s pricing breakdown for more information on cost per session.
You Are Worth the Investment.

Dare to Disrupt.